Sunday, January 15, 2012

Am I just being a hormonal or is there a problem?

I was the opposite. I couldn't wait to show and loved being able to see evidence of the little baby I had with me. You're still fit. You're pregnant and that's something to take pride in too. ;) your boyfriend checking out other girls and talking about hot girls is totally wrong though. Im sure you still look fabulous and have nothing to worry about with yourself but he needs to learn how to give his attention to you and only you. That's very immature and selfish of him. I'm not trying to be rude, but he is definitely mistreating you by doing this, pregnant or not! My best advice would be to not let his immaturity ruin your self image. There's nothing you can do to feel better about yourself if you let his opinions of other girls influence your opinion of yourself. Pregnancy is beautiful and if you've got a toned tummy with a baby bump, be proud of it!! Your baby is healthier with a healthy happy momma. Have you talked to him about how you would rather him not check girls out (particularly in front of you) and not talk about other girls being hot. It's completely disrespectful to you. Maybe if he hears that it hurts you he'll realize what he's doing. If not, just realize that you are still a fierce fit momma take pride in yourself and your beautiful baby youre carrying. ;) And you're not pathetic by the way. Hormones def cause emotions to run higher than usual but this would bother me pregnant or not. You're still beautiful though. Just as beautiful as before. I hope you feel better and congrats!!


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