Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Messed Up Life - I Need Help Sorting Things Out!?

The problems your having are not exclusive to only you. You sound like lots & lots of people today. After being married awhile & having kids your life makes necesary changes- some that we're not always ready for. It sounds like your husband & you have to sit down & very adult like -begin to address some of these issues. You both need to work together on these things & so need to reach a - common ground - on them to do so. At this point in time your intrests need to be focused on your family first. Many people battle with religion & beliefs - thats why there are so many different ones. Begin by prioritizing your situation, it won't happen overnight. Talk with your husband & together reach some common ground, & think positive about the future & your efforts to make some improvements.-Good Luck!


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