Saturday, January 14, 2012

Views on before marriage? Christians who had before marriage?

I'm a christian but not extremely or anything. I believe in God and everything of course. I am with the best guy ever and we have been together for quite a while. We know in our hearts that we are going to get married someday but know we need to wait a little longer for marriage because we are still in college and don't have the money to support ourselves. We will probably marry in a year or two. We are having problems lately, with huge urges to have . We have done amazingly well on waiting a long time (we're both virgins). But now it just feels almost impossible to keep this going much longer. What are your views on premarital ? I would especially like to hear from other christians who do believe in God but do not follow everything exactly. I really don't want to hear from Christians who are just shoving the Bible at me because I already know about that part and I have had that taught to me my entire life.


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