Sunday, January 15, 2012
Scared of giving birth!?
hiya i am sorry to hear that your labour was a difficult one, there are loads of wasy now to havepain relief without havind an injection in your spine, i used nothing wit my first born nor the second with this pregnacy am terrified of getting pain so i am going to use gas and air and tens machine which vibrates your lower back and cut the pain signals before they get to your brain so you do not feel the pain half as much as you would do without the machine, there are also aromatherapy oils and mages that can and will help you with pain relief at hospital try gentle music and mecitation which wil be hard to focus on but it will take oyur mind off the pain for abit it is up to you which one you decide to use in your labour. Secondarly, if you are struggling in labour they will give you a c-section as a last resort but i will tell you this for a fact if you have had previous troubles with oyur back they will make an appointment for you to see an antheastist and he or she wil have a look at your spine and then they will know where to go in your spine sop the same problem will not happen again and if oyu have not had a general in your spine before he or she will know where to go, it wil lalot better i know this as i had to see mine as i have a mild sciolis which is a bending of the spine and as a result of this a ge bad back ache and getting a n epidural etc eould be hard for anyone to do without sticking it in my spione, but dont worry abot that to much as they are professional sand tghety know what they are doing. basically what i have to say to you is dont let that one bad experience put you off having more children it wont happen again all you have to do is tell your dr at the hospistol what happend in the past and they will make sure that it wont happen again. look i wish you all the luck with your future. as i said above there are other ways of having pain relief without having needles in your back like tens and gas and air, plus therte are aromatherapy oils which oyu can use to help you fight the pain like lavender for example. Don't let your past experience ruin your chance of having more children if that is what you want go for it. wishing you all the best in your desicion.
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