Friday, January 13, 2012

My son wants to join a local rugby club, I am worried that we won't fit in?

My son has had some free rugby lessons in an after school club and really enjoyed it. Now he wants to join a local rugby club, I think it would be really good for him, it's the first time he's shown a real interest in any sport. The thing that worries me is that having read through the leaflet given to us it sounds a bit beyond my means. No prices are mentioned, I have looked them up on line and it also doesn't say how much it costs to join, how much the kit costs etc. I know how much he would love it but I am a bit intimidated by how posh it all looks! Also the chip on my shoulder makes me feel we won't be welcome anyway. I want to encourage his interest, believe me this lad needs the exercise, I just don't want him to be shown up and made to feel unwelcome if we can't afford the fees/aren't quite their sort. How would you handle it?


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